Local Edition V1.0 Released!
Live TT Scoreboard Local Edition v1.0 has now been released.
Live TT Scoreboard is a cloud based Mobile Application that allows players to easily keep score from their mobile device. The Local edition has been released for those who want a local, reliable connection, and still be able to use the Court-Side Scoreboard, and Live Stream Scoreboard. The Local edition does not allow live scoring online, and can only display scores for one table.
- A Computer(Windows) to run the application.
- WiFi
- Smartphone or Tablet to keep score(Optional, but convenient).
The Latest download can be found on the Local Edition Menu tab.
How-To Use
After installation is complete from the App Store, run the application, it can be found by searching for “Live TT Scoreboard”.
The home screen lists these items:
- Local IP Address(es) of your local computer(used when connected via mobile phone browser)
- Button to open Court Side Scoreboard
- Live Stream Scoreboard link to be pasted into your live streaming software(i.e. OBS)
- “Start Game” button to start editing the table information. Then keep score.
- “Reset Scoreboard” will set all scores and names back to blank.
- QR Codes to easily open the application on your phone.

Start Game
Clicking the “Start Game” button will get you to a page to type in the Names of the players.
Version 1.0.0 Supports:
- Singles
- Doubles
- Teams
- Number of Games: 5 or 7(Best of 1 or 3 not supported)

Keep Score
- The jersey color will determine the background color of the player.
- Time outs are activated by hitting the button at the top.
- Service is represented by the paddle in top right or top left.
- Screen is optimized for mobile phones.